TPO -> The Travelling Post Offices of Tanganyika

The Travelling Post Offices of Tanganyika

Exhibit By Fred Horsted

Thirtytwo page exhibit: click on the thumbnails below to view the full image of each page.

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This exhibit shows examples of TPO markings on the following routes:
  • the 'Tanga - Moshi Line' with 'Usambara - Bahnpost - Zug' and 'Kilimanjaro T.P.O' postmarks
  • the 'Mittellandbahn' using 'Mittellandbahn - Bahnpost - Zug' postmarks
  • the 'Tanganyika TPO' between Dar-es-Salaam and Kigoma: 'The Dar-es-Salaam - Kigoma T.P.O. No.1'
  • the 'Dar-es-Salaam - Mwanza T.P.O', 'Tabora - Kigoma T.P.O' and the 'Tabora - Mwanza T.P.O'

The exhibit was entered into the Hampshire Philatelic Federation's 32 sheet competition where it won the Jan Kaluski Cup for best exhibit and the Postal History Salver for best postal history exhibit in show, 15th October 2016. All images courtesy Fred Horsted.

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Website created by TPO & Seapost Society

Last updated October 2016

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